- Rose
- The End of the World
- The Unquiet Dead
- Aliens of London
- World War Three
- Dalek
- The Long Game
- Father's Day
- The Empty Child
- The Doctor Dances
- Boom Town
- Bad Wolf
- The Parting of the Ways
- The Christmas Invasion
- New Earth
- Tooth and Claw
- School Reunion
- The Girl in the Fireplace
- Rise of the Cybermen
- The Age of Steel
- The Idiot's Lantern
- The Impossible Planet
- The Satan Pit
- Love & Monsters
- Fear Her
- Army of Ghosts
- Doomsday
- The Runaway Bride
- Smith and Jones
- The Shakespeare Code
- Gridlock
- Daleks in Manhattan
- Evolution of the Daleks
- The Lazarus Experiment
- 42
- Human Nature
- The Family of Blood
- Blink
- Utopia
- The Sound of Drums
- Last of the Time Lords
- Voyage of the Damned
- Partners in Crime
- The Fires of Pompeii
- Planet of the Ood
- The Sontaran Stratagem
- The Poison Sky
- The Doctor's Daughter
- The Unicorn and the Wasp
- Silence in the Library
- Forest of the Dead
- Midnight
- Turn Left
- The Stolen Earth
- Journey's End
- The Next Doctor
- Planet of the Dead
- The Waters of Mars
- The End of Time, Part One
- The End of Time, Part Two
- The Eleventh Hour
- The Beast Below
- Victory of the Daleks
- The Time of Angels
- Flesh and Stone
- The Vampires of Venice
- Amy's Choice
- The Hungry Earth
- Cold Blood
- Vincent and the Doctor
- The Lodger
- The Pandorica Opens
- The Big Bang
- A Christmas Carol
- The Impossible Astronaut
- Day of the Moon
- The Curse of the Black Spot
- The Doctor's Wife
- The Rebel Flesh
- The Almost People
- A Good Man Goes to War
- Let's Kill Hitler
- Night Terrors
- The Girl Who Waited
- The God Complex
- Closing Time
- The Wedding of River Song
- The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe
- Asylum of the Daleks
- Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
- A Town Called Mercy
- The Power of Three
- The Angels Take Manhattan
- The Snowmen
- The Bells of Saint John
- The Rings of Akhaten
- Cold War
- Hide
- Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
- The Crimson Horror
- Nightmare in Silver
- The Name of the Doctor
- The Day of the Doctor
- The Time of the Doctor
- Deep Breath
- Into the Dalek
- Robot of Sherwood
- Listen
- Time Heist
- The Caretaker
- Kill the Moon
- Mummy on the Orient Express
- Flatline
- In the Forest of the Night
- Dark Water
- Death in Heaven
- Last Christmas
- The Magician's Apprentice
- The Witch's Familiar
- Under the Lake
- Before the Flood
- The Girl Who Died
- The Woman Who Lived
- The Zygon Invasion
- The Zygon Inversion
- Sleep No More
- Face the Raven
- Heaven Sent
- Hell Bent
- The Husbands of River Song
- The Return of Doctor Mysterio
- The Pilot
- Smile
- Thin Ice
- Knock Knock
- Oxygen
- Extremis
- The Pyramid at the End of the World
- The Lie of the Land
- Empress of Mars
- The Eaters of Light
- World Enough and Time
- The Doctor Falls
- Twice Upon a Time
- The Woman Who Fell to Earth
- The Ghost Monument
- Rosa
- Arachnids in the UK
- The Tsuranga Conundrum
- Demons of the Punjab
- Kerblam!
- The Witchfinders
- It Takes You Away
- The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos
- Resolution
- Spyfall, Part One
- Spyfall, Part Two
- Orphan 55
- Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror
- Fugitive of the Judoon
- Praxeus
- Can You Hear Me?
- The Haunting of Villa Diodati
- Ascension of the Cybermen
- The Timeless Children
- Revolution of the Daleks
- The Halloween Apocalypse
- War of the Sontarans
- Once, Upon Time
- Village of the Angels
- Survivors of the Flux
- The Vanquishers
- Eve of the Daleks
- Legend of the Sea Devils
- The Power of the Doctor
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