Doctor Who Subtitle Errors

The Doctor Who DVDs feature multiple incorrect subtitles that do not match what was actually said. Here I will document every error I can find alongside what was actually said. [Work in progress.]

Original lines verified with Chrissie's Transcripts.

Season 1, Episode 11 Boom Town (And multiple subsequent episodes.)

Subtitle error: Raxacoricofallapatorius and Raxacoricofallapatorian misspelled as Rexicoricophalvitorius and Rexicoricophalvitorian.

Correct spelling in Season 1, Episode 5 "World War Three"

Season 4, Episode 2 The Fires of Pompeii
Original line: "Tardis, Time Lord, yeah."
Subtitle error: "Well, this Time Lord, yeah."

Season 4, Episode 4 The Sontaran Stratagem
Original line: "
Should be just boiler rooms, generators."
Subtitle error: "There should be just oil rooms, generators."

Season 4, Episode 5 The Poison Sky
Original line: "Are you my mummy?"
Subtitle error: "Are you my mommy?

Season 4, Episode 7 The Unicorn and The Wasp
Original line: "Brilliant."
Subtitle error: "Bring it."

Season 7, Episode 13 The Name of the Doctor
Original line: "You're inside my time stream."
Subtitle error: "You're inside my time screen."

Season 9, Episode 2 The Witch's Familiar
Original line: "Make your own stick."
Subtitle error: "Pick your own stick."

Original line: "Just think the word 'open'."
Subtitle error: "Just think it wide open."

Season 9, Episode 3 Under the Lake
Original line: "Now, Lunn, quickly."
Subtitle error: "Now, O'Donnell, quickly."

Season 9, Episode 4 Before the Flood
Original line: "The dark. The sword. The forsaken. The temple."
Subtitle error: "The Doc, the sword, the forsaken, the temple."

Original line: "The Time Lord lied."
Subtitle error: "The Time Lord. Night."

Original line: " connected with the base's Wi-Fi..."
Subtitle error: " connected with the basis Wi-Fi."

Original line: "...with the base's day mode."
Subtitle error: "...with a basis day-mode."

Season 9, Episode 6 The Woman Who Lived
Original line: "Then, however you fly, whatever ship you sail in, take me with you."
Subtitle error: "Then, however you fly to the ship you sail in, take me with you."

Original line: "Sightless children clutching toys as they sleep, never to wake up."
Subtitle error: "...sightless children, touching toys as they sleep."

Original line: "Of course."
Subtitle error: "Oh, shit."

Season 7, Episode 7 The Zygon Invasion
Original line: "Okay. Hey, Monster High and Cinderella."
Subtitle error: "Okay. Hey, monster, hi. Cinderella."

Subtitle error: British spelling of "tires".

Original line: "You operate it by titivating the fronds."
Subtitle error: "You operate it by titivating the frons."

Original line: "Now, this is SOAS."
Subtitle error: "Now, this is so us."

Season 9, Episode 8 The Zygon Inversion
Original line: "Dream checks."
Subtitle error: "Dream jets."

Subtitle error: American spelling of "tyres".

Season 9, Episode 10 Face the Raven
Original line: "Three at once."
Subtitle error: "Flee at once!"

Season 9, Episode 12 Hell Bent
Original line: "Every story ever told really happened."
Subtitle error: "Every story I ever told really happened."

2015 Christmas Special The Husbands of River Song
Original line: "You cannot escape!"
Subtitle error: "You'll perish and die!"

2016 Christmas Special The Return of Doctor Mysterio
Original line: "On your roof."
Subtitle error: "Are you rough?"

Original line: "Me too. Or an invasion."
Subtitle error: "Me too. What an invasion."

Original line: "Grant, you need to concentrate!"
Subtitle error: (YELLS) "You need to calm..."

Original line: "It's not your job to ask questions."
Subtitle error: "Is that your job to ask questions?"

Original line: "I ruled firmly, but wisely."
Subtitle error: "I rode firmly but wisely."

Season 10, Episode 2 Smile
Original line: "Or do you have stretchy arms, like Mister Fantastic?"
Subtitle error: "Or do you have to stretch your arms like Mister Fantastic?"

Original line: "And if they don't smile about that, it's going to be the end of the human race."
Subtitle error: "And did Earth smile about that? It's going to be the end of the human race."

Original line: "The kettle's boiling, I've got a vault to guard,..."
Subtitle error: "Kettle's boiling, and with a vote to God,..."

Season 10, Episode 3 Thin Ice
Original line: "Yeah, I think I'm low-key in love with her."
Subtitle error: "Yeah, I think I'm low key enough for that."

Season 10, Episode 5 Oxygen
Original line: "Now we know now why your suit was being repaired."
Subtitle error: "Then we know now why your ship was being repaired."

Season 10, Episode 6 Extremis
Original line: "The thing about the universe is..."
Subtitle error: "Think about the universes."

Season 10, Episode 7 The Pyramid at the End of the World
Original line: "Is it okay if I get an Uber?"
Subtitle error: "Is it okay if I get a move on?"

Original line: "I wish it was. Threats are easy. I think this is a warning."
Subtitle error: "I wish it was. Did I tell you? See, I think this is a warning."

Season 10, Episode 8 The Lie of the Land
Original line: "...but, like it or not, I just saved this world because I want to change."
Subtitle error: "But, like it or not, I just saved this world because I want to change it."

Season 10, Episode 9 The Eaters of Light
Original line: "That's why everyone in space speaks English."
Subtitle error: "That's why everyone in this place speaks English."

Original line: "What, with your lollipop and your kiddie face paint..."
Subtitle error: "What, with your lollipop and your kitty face paint?"

Season 10, Episode 11 World Enough and Time
Original line: "Vending machine."
Subtitle error: "Bending machine."

Original line: "But you've got to concentrate more."
Subtitle error: "But you gotta concentrate, Paul."

Original line: "Die. Me. Die. Me. Die. Me."
Subtitle error: "Tie. Me. Tie. Me. Tie. Me."

Original line: "Doctor! Ooo, Doctor! Doctor!"
Subtitle error: "Doctor Who! Doctor! Doctor!"

Season 10, Episode 12 The Doctor Falls
Original line: "This is it, I'm afraid."
Subtitle error: "This is it, friend."

Original line: "Sontarans perverting the course of human history!"
Subtitle error: "So, Taryn has perverted the course of human history!"

Original line: "When the Doctor was me."
Subtitle error: "Well, The Doctor must be..."

2017 Christmas Special Twice Upon A Time
Original line: "Well, it's all those years of bigger on the inside."
Subtitle error: "Well, it's all those years of being on the inside."

Original line: "They've got my TARDIS. Over to you, Mary Berry."
Subtitle error: "They've got my TARDIS. Over to you..."

Original line: "...and then their physical selves returned to the moment of their dissolution without pain..."
Subtitle error: "...and then their physical souls returned to the moment of their dissolution,..."

Original line: "Lethbridge-Stewart. Captain Archibald Hamish Lethbridge-Stewart."
Subtitle error: "Lethwidge Stewart. Captain Archibald Hamish Lethwidge Stewart."

[Seasons 11-13 Coming Soon]

Centenary Special The Power of The Doctor
Original line: "Oh, a Qurunx."
Subtitle error: "A Cuorence."

Subtitle error: Vinder is identified as Viner, even though Vinder's name is correct in the line.

Original line: "I erased you, Doctor."
Subtitle error: "I raised your daughter."

Original line: "Oh, the blossomiest blossom."
Subtitle error: "Blossomius blossom."

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